• Firma Consulting
    Þingasel 10
    109 Reykjavík
  • Telep.:

  • (354) 820 8800
    (354) 896 6665
    (354) 557 7766


Previous Projects

Rekstrarvörur January - September 2006 
Rekstrarvörur ehf. A company which leads in selling various products for the day-to-day operations of businesses and institutions. Services provided by Firma Consulting: Operations consulting, appraisals and a great deal more. Amount: Confidential..
October 2006 
Sæþór ehf. A leading company in harbour construction and especially in deepening them. Services provided by Firma Consulting: Advice and assistance in selling the business. Sellers: Sveinbjörn Runólfsson, along with others. Buyer: Jarðboranir ehf., a subsidiary of Atorka hf. Amount: ISK 310 million.
Unique Rengöringsystemer November 2006 
Unique Rengöringsystemer, Denmark. A Danish company specialised in selling a variety of products for the everyday operations of businesses and institutions. Services provided by Firma Consulting: Advice and assistance in the purchase of this company. Sellers: Preben Poulsen, along with others. Buyer: Rekstrarvörur ehf. Amount: Confidential.
November 2006 
Hexa ehf. A leading company in the importation and manufacturing of specialised work clothes for institutions and businesses. Services provided by Firma Consulting: Operations consulting and assistance in increasing share capital. Amount: Confidential.
Malbikunar- og jarðvegsframkvæmdum March 2007 
Bergsteinn ehf. A company specialising in blacktopping and earthwork. Services provided by Firma Consulting: Advising and assisting in the sale of the company. Sellers: Guðmundur Fr. Ottósson and Eyþór Guðmundsson. Buyer: Klæðning ehf. Amount: Confidential.
April 2007 
Hexa ehf. A leading company in importation and manufacturing of specialised work clothes for institutions and businesses. Services provided by Firma Consulting: Advice and assistance in selling 71% of the share capital. Seller: Viðar Halldórsson. Buyer: Arnarmúli ehf. Amount: Confidential.
May 2007 
Gasa ehf. Wholesale firm for cosmetics and related products. Services provided by Firma Consulting: Advice and assistance in the sale of the company. Seller: Rósa A. Matthíasdóttir. Buyer: ÓM Snyrtivörur ehf. Amount: Confidential.
Zanetti Segafredo June 2007 
Zanetti Segafredo. A coffee house with a licence agreement for Iceland. Services provided by Firma Consulting: Advice and assistance in the sale of the company and in the transfer of the licence agreement. Seller: Espresso ehf. Buyer: Correto ehf. Amount: Confidential.
August 2007 
G.P. Kranar ehf. A leading company in the operation and rental of large cranes. Services provided by Firma Consulting: Advice and assistance in the sale of the company. Sellers: Gunnþór Kristjánsson, along with others. Buyer: Verkafl ehf., a subsidiary of Þ.G. Verk ehf. Amount: Confidential.
March 2008 
Tak-Malbik ehf. A quarrying firm. Services provided by Firma Consulting: Advice and assistance in the purchase of this company. Sellers: Ólafur Sveinsson, along with others. Buyer: Malbikunarstöðin Hlaðbær Colas ehf., a subsidiary of Colas - International Group, France. Amount: Confidential.
January – Desember 2008 
Numerous advisory projects such as strategic planning, valuations, restructurings and reshufflings, carried out for the management and owners of large and medium-sized companies. Confidential..
January - April 2008
Advisory project for Rekstrarvörur ehf. Amount: Confidential.
January – December 2008
Numerous advisory projects such as strategic planning, valuations, restructurings and reshufflings, carried out for the management and owners of large and medium-sized companies. Confidential.
Janúar – Desember 2009
Numerous advisory projects such as strategic planning, valuations, restructurings and reshufflings, carried out for the management and owners of companies of all sizes, as well as for banking institutions.



Investment opportunities

Are you looking for investment opportunities in Iceland? Firma Consulting gives impartial, professional, advice to those looking to invest in Iceland. Contact us for more information.

Customer comment

”Firma Consulting demonstrated total professionalism and confidentiality in its work for our company, Hlaðbær-Colas ehf. We trust Firma Consulting 100%, any time there is a need for advice on complex issues of company purchase or sale”.
  Sigthor Sigurdsson
   Managing Director Hlaðbæ-Colas